‘Twas The Night Before Hockey

Here is this year's annual bedtime story before the Avalanche make their debut.


‘Twas the night before hockey, when all through the Can

Not a creature was stirring, not even an Av.

The ice skates were hung by the lockers with care

In hopes that Lord Stanley soon would be there.


The fans nestled, all snug in their beds,

While visions of victories danced in their heads.

And Varly in his pads, and I in my toque,

Had just hunkered down for a the long season stretch.


When out on the ice arouse such a banter,

I sprang from my seat to see what was the matter.

Away to the glass, I flew like a flash,

Tore off my hat, and started to bash.


The lights shone bright on the face of the new coach,

Gave the luster that he might not be a total roach.

When what to my wondering eyes should appear,

But a miniature Zamboni with Bernie drinking a beer.


With his hair so red, and talking some smack,

I knew in a moment is must be Cody Mac.

More rapid than eagles, his courses they came,

He whistled and shouted and called them by name:


“Now Dutchy! Now Iggy!

Now Varly and Barrie

On, MacKinnon! On, Johnson!

On Landy and Picks!

To the top of crease!

To the back of the net!

Now score away! Score away!

Score away all!”


And then with a thrashing, I heard on the ice,

The dashing and passing of each mighty Av

As I held in my breath, and my heart pounding too,

Down the rink, Natty Mac blew.


He was clad in his blue, from his head to his skate,

And his jersey was all covered in blood from his mate.

A bundle of pucks, he shot at the net,

And looked like we were all set.


His eyes -- how they twinkled! With the new “A” looking so dapper!

His cheeks were like roses, his skates --even faster!

His stick he held tight to himself,

And with precision the puck flew top shelf.


He spoke not a word, but threw up his hands

And the crowd shouted aloud from the stands!

He sprang from his knees, to his team he gave a whoop

And away they all flew, in one fell swoop.

But I heard him exclaim, ‘ere he went out with his better halves:


“Happy Hockey Season to all, and as always go Avs!”