Farewell Cody Mac, Write to Us from the Playoffs

After 659 games and nearly 10 years (his entire NHL career), Cody Mcleod's tenure with the Avalanche has ended. Only Hejduk, Foote and Sakic have played more games as an Av. We won’t see no. 55 hanging from the rafters one day, but that doesn’t mean his presence went unnoticed. His name was announced over the loudspeaker for penalties more often than a goal, but that’s what we love about him. He is a warrior on the ice and he will be remembered as an Avalanche legend by his fans and teammates. I don't think Nashville really knows what they have gotten.

In exchange for Cody, the Avalanche have picked up 22 year old, Felix Girard, who was drafted in 2013 by the Predators. He currently is in his third season with Milwaukee in the AHL We have given up an Avalanche stalwart for, as my dad says, a bag of peanuts.

Recognizing that Nashville had an interest in McLeod, Sakic asked Cody if he would like the opportunity to play for them. It took McLeod some time, but eventually he decided that he would pack his bags for the Music City. After all the Avalanche have been through, I'm not surprised he chose to play for a team who can make a playoff run. As Sakic said “For all he’s done for our organization, the type of person he is, I wanted to give him the opportunity". Of course Joe would be so cordial when things gets dirty.

I have to remind myself that hockey is a business, but when a player that has been part of our club for 10 years, chooses another club over ours, it hurts. I get it. I would do the same. Heck, can I come too? But that doesn’t make it any easier to accept. The hardest part is that I know this is just the beginning and I am trying to prepare myself for more to come. Truthfully, there can be no preparation for what I fear is ahead. Hear me Joe Sakic, don't trade our captain! We don't have one player on the roster who could even come close to having his passion and desire to win.

Right now, it's a bleak world we Avalanche fans have to live in, but I want to thank Cody for everything he has done for the team over the past ten years. For every fight. For every drop of blood he drew and lost. For every penalty minute (1,359 to be exact - nearly an entire day) he has spent in the box. For his 61 goals and 56 assists. For everything his has given to the Avs. He will be greatly missed, and I wish him all the best on his new path.

Fans can still cheer on Cody tomorrow when we face off against the Preds at 1pm, only he will be in an ugly jersey and sitting on the other bench. So long, and good luck, Cody. I promise I won't boo you next time you go to the box.